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QB ‘Appy Hour at QuickBooks Connect App Showdown

This year at QuickBooks Connect 2018 QB ‘Appy Hour was given the honor of warming up the crowd for the App Showdown, where one of the app finalists wins $100,000! Here we also gave a recap on the chosen apps; PayPie, LeaseMate, SnapDsk, Chaser, G1VE, Penny Inc, Flowless,, and Payments powered by Bolt. All of these Apps help give small businesses the chance to have the same advantages as the big businesses do.

Heather and I started QB ‘Appy Hour as a way to globally share helpful Apps to accountants and bookkeepers across the board. We talk about apps for business function, new things coming out in the Quickbooks world, fun things we have tried with Apps and other little things that get us accountants excited! So naturally, learning how to use each of these Apps and sharing what they do was a treat for both of us.

Being at QB Connect was the second time QB ‘Appy Hour had presented live. As one would expect, Heather and I were pretty excited. Heather bought new martini glass earrings, and since the show was live I curled ALL my hair, not just the front!

As Heather and I interviewed each of these Apps in preparation for the show, I found the diversity amongst the Apps to be my favorite thing. These Apps have been developed from all corners of the world. It goes to prove that no one person has the right answer. Together we create initiative solutions for the everyday accountant and business owner.

Just like the Apps, QB ‘Appy Hour will soon be showing globally! Stay tuned to see where we travel next!!


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